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Kimverlyn is a designer, new media artist and creative technologist inspired by digital new materialism, energy and choreographic spaces. Through creative code and object design, she explores modes of interface and interactions between bodies [performer, instrument, audience, and the natural environment]. With her previous background in dance, interaction design and media communication, her interests lies in speculating emerging technologies and the relationship with the immaterial (internet, sound and light).
Her previous work includes posthumanist narratives, mostly with musicians and gigs through mediums of audiovisuals and artificial intelligence. Graduated with distinction at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, she studied a Masters of Architecture for Design for Performance and Interaction. Her last project, Ambedo Field, is a kinetic installation that archives and translates rave energy in gigs into a sonic performance with mechanical noise machines. The project was exhibited at London Festival of Architecture and KIKK festival, Belgium.
Contact: kimverlyn@metalupa.xyz / Instagram: @metalupa